You are interested or have purchased a glass nail file and now what? Glass nail files are the best and they are sustainable. We want to take the guess work out of the equation. Here is the why glass nail files are great and how to maintain them for long extended use.
This will be the last file in your nail kit. Made with sustainable material, our glass nail file will seal your nail edges minimizing splitting and chipping. Glass nail files last substantially longer than emery boards and metal files.
How to Use
File nails in a singular direction. After filing your fingernails or toenails, be sure to wash your file. Allow to air dry for next use.
How to Clean
Clean your file after several uses by running it under water to remove nail dust. Gently brush the surface with your finger tips or a soft sponge to thoroughly clean. Sometimes nail dust can give the appearance of wear or that the file is dull.